Stand to the right of the well and press space.
Stand in front of the well and press space.
Walk out of the backyard and to the left until you see a key, then stand on it and press space to pick it up.
Walk down until you see a building, then press space while standing in front of the door to go inside.
Go inside the room in the building and then go down the stairs.
Walk all the way to the right and through the passage.
Go into the room on the right wall.
Take the bucket.
Open the curtains and take the book.
Go into the room at the bottom.
Equip the bucket through the menu.
Stand in front of the wardrobe on the right and press space to use the bucket.
Take the book and then stand in front of the bucket and press space to take it back.
Try to go out of the room so the wardrobe will open, and then take the missing page from inside the wardrobe.
Go into the room at the top and take the last book.
Press space in front of each shelf to place the books.
Go back out of the room and down the stairs that have opened.
Walk straight down until you see the maze.
Using the clue on the diary page, you must press the buttons in the maze in that order.
Devil Haunts - Walkthrough
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